Guiding Philosophy and Mandate

Guiding Philosophy: Sauti Moja promotes justice for all people groups, recognizing that global and local inequality is principally due to systemic oppression rooted in self-interest and lack of respect for the rights of others. The specific rights which we support through our ‘charitable acts’  are legally-binding on Canada and articulated in the International Bill of Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on Rights of the Child (CRC), and International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). In addition, Sauti Moja recognizes the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People to which Canada is not a signatory. We recognize that transformation of both oppressors and the oppressed is necessary in order to achieve social justice and peace for all, so believe that Sauti Moja must contribute to increased understanding of the factors contributing to global injustice, as well as ways to address these.

Objects of Sauti Moja Canada
(Registration no. 848199725RR0001)

  1. To provide assistance to individuals who are suffering from the effects of poverty, war, famine, disease and disasters, without regard to their faith, ethnic origin, social class or world view.
  2. and without limiting the generality of the foregoing objects, and provided that such objects shall include only those that are, at law, exclusively charitable and to accomplish the aforesaid objects:


  • to provide relief to those in need of the necessities of life (food, water, and health care)





  • to provide livestock, seeds, tools, technical training and loans in order to support livelihood recovery and food security for those suffering the effects of poverty, war, famine, disease and disasters





  • to care for orphans and vulnerable children by providing shelter, education support, and general care




  • to develop or promote community health in developing nations by educating and instructing the public on prevention of, and curative measures for, health problems and by researching and documenting changes in the health of the community.




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